It would be great if you could spend an hour at the gym right now. It would also be good if sticking to your exercise program during the holidays was more enticing than curling up on the sofa with your family and watching Netflix for a week. With the latter, we can assist you. Whatever number of holiday parties and family gatherings you have planned, all you need are a few simple exercise techniques to keep in shape this season. (Taking a well-deserved week off from anything slightly approximating a burpee is also entirely acceptable.) We asked Mcarthy, an exercise physiologist and ACE-certified personal trainer located in San Diego, to create a workout that you can do anywhere in around 10 minutes with no equipment. Do each action as many times as you can in 60 seconds (use a timer if necessary), then rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next.
Start by doing one minute of squats: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees bent 90 degrees, and butt back. For 60 seconds, stand and repeat. If you normally spend your day sitting at a desk, this is a terrific step. It not only works your glutes and hamstrings but also stretches your hips and improves mobility. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, elbows bent, and hands at chest level for side lunges. Then, as illustrated, step your right foot out to the side and bend your right knee 90 degrees, sinking your butt back. To begin, take a step back and swap sides. Continue for 60 seconds, rotating legs with each rep. Any lunge will work your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings, but side lunges work your inner and outer thighs as well (aka your abductor and adductor muscles).
Push-ups for the Triceps
Here is what ty exactly under your shoulders, and raise your feet off the floor, crossing your ankles as indicated, if you’re working up to a complete push-up. (Start in a plank position if you’re already comfortable with complete push-ups.) Lower your chest to the floor by bending your elbows back, not out to the sides. Start with a push-up and repeat for 60 seconds. Push-ups are a terrific multitasking exercise since they work your triceps, chest, and shoulders all at the same time. This is a wonderful core workout whether you lower your knees or go for the complete plank push-up.
Plank it out

Begin with your forearms on the floor, palms down, elbows under your shoulder, and legs stretched out. Then, with your right hand under your right shoulder, straighten your arm and push up. Rep with your left arm, bringing your body into a raised plank position as illustrated. Lower the left arm first, then the right. Repeat for 60 seconds, beginning with the left hand. This is a brilliant move. Your core, chest, shoulders, and triceps are all targeted.
Mountain Climber
Begin with your hands shoulder-width apart in a raised push-up posture. Bring your left knee forward, as illustrated, with the ball of your foot near your left hand. Switch legs by hopping your right foot forward and landing with the ball of your foot near your right palm, as illustrated, while your left leg returns. Continue for 60 seconds, changing legs as quickly as you can. Mountain climbers are the pinnacle of the sport. They target your deltoids, biceps, and triceps, as well as your chest, core, and obliques, as well as your quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip abductors. They’ll also raise your heart rate, allowing you to sneak in some exercise.
Skater on Ice
Bend your elbows as you stand. Sideways leap with your right leg, bending your right knee as you land and crossing your left leg behind your right, toes striking the floor. Bring your left arm forward and your right arm back as you jump, as illustrated. Rep, this time is jumping to the left. For 60 seconds, continue “skating” from side to side. Ice skaters focus your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves in addition to being a fantastic cardiac exercise.